Team Unicorn is proud to have 4 world champions. No other brand has more champions or more championship wins. As world champions, they demand the very best. This is what they use.
Barrel designs as used by World Champion Gary Anderson.
3 x dart barrels
3 x Gripper 4 shafts
4x Ultrafly Gary Anderson World Champion Phase 5 Flight
Peter Wright was determined to push Red Dragon to the limit. He wanted a grip that was more aggressive yet subtle so it wouldn't stay in his hand. The length measurements and balance had to match his Euro 11 in every way - and yet there was one final constraint that they simply had to look amazing and reflect the essence of his personality on stage - so step inside the Mamba. Developed using Red Dragon's three-way tridirectional technology, the triple grooved pattern of rings, buttresses and bespoke Delta-Tech was exactly what Peter Wright was looking for.
Team Unicorn is proud to have 4 world champions. No other brand has more champions or more championship wins. As world champions, they demand the very best. This is what they use.
Barrel designs as used by World Champion Gary Anderson.
3 x dart barrels
3 x Gripper 4 shafts
4x Ultrafly Gary Anderson World Champion Phase 5 Flight